25+ Cold Calling Statistics 2024: Most Jaw-Dropping Revelations

25+ Cold Calling Statistics 2024: Most Jaw-Dropping Revelations

Cold calling involves salespeople soliciting prospects who initially do not know the products or services for patronage. This practice is one of the oldest and most common forms of telemarketing businesses use to get individuals to show interest in their products and services.

Cold calls may yield a 2% success rate even for the most experienced sales professionals. Some consumers do not like cold calling, resulting in 79% unanswered and unsolicited calls. The US Congress has passed laws to reduce the practice of cold calls. This has, to a large extent, made cold calling a difficult service to continue in America. These Cold Calling statistics show knowledgeable facts on B2B, effectiveness, mistakes, and challenges of Cold calling. Let’s dive in.

Mind-boggling Cold Calling Statistics

Major Cold Calling Statistics

  1. During the working day, a sales representative makes 52 calls.
  2. In 2019, one or more cold calls were accepted by 69% of buyers.
  3. One or more cold calls were received by 69% of buyers in the previous 12 months.
  4. 82% of B2B decision-makers believe sales professionals aren’t prepared.
  5. The best days to make prospecting calls are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
  6. Cold calls remain an efficient sales tactic in several sectors, but they can be exhausting and challenging to implement effectively.
  7. Almost one-half of sales reps give up after a single follow-up.
  8. If sales representatives repeatedly use the ‘We Provide’ phrase during your call, it could lead to a lower closing rate.
  9. There is incorrect information in one-quarter of B2B databases.
  10. One of salespeople’s most difficult tasks is getting prospects to respond.

General Cold Calling Statistics

General Cold Calling Statistics

1. A Salesperson Initiates Around 52 Calls During Work Hours.

Cold calling statistics show ways to improve answered calls, call-backs, and closed sales. To succeed in sales, a salesperson needs to make between 52 and 60 calls daily. Cold calling is vital as a sales strategy contributing to overall business success. In addition, statistics reveal that reaching a buyer takes about 18 phone calls.

2. 57% of C-Level Buyers Express the Use of Phones to Make Contacts as Their Preference.

Phone calls have been the choicest means of communication between businesses and potential buyers. According to a recent survey, 57% of C-level customers would rather be contacted on the phone than through other mediums.

3. A Successful Cold Call will Last Twice as Long as its Failure.

Generally, calls with negative outcomes seem to have short durations. Also, calls with successful outcomes that may likely end in booking a meeting may not end too soon. Research shows successful cold calls will likely last twice as long as failed ones. On average, a cold call should last around 5-10 minutes.

4. A Total of 69% of Buyers Took One or More Cold Calls in 2019.

Cold calling can be a great way to engage customers and make sales and can be effective when done appropriately. A survey reveals that in 2019, about 69% of shoppers acknowledged accepting one or more cold calls. During a cold call, one will understand better what challenges need to be addressed based on how prospects interact with your content.

Intriguing B2B Cold Calling Statistics

B2B Cold Calling Statistics

5. 82% of Buyers Agreed to an Appointment When the Salesman Contacted Them.

When is a good time to reach out to potential buyers? The doors are open, and buyers are waiting to take calls from a salesperson. Buyers are ever willing to take a call from a salesperson and are interested in knowing more to make an educated and right decision. Statistics show that the doors are open, and around 82% of buyers accept meetings with salespeople after a cold call.

6. More Than 69% of Buyers Took at Least One or More Such Calls in the Last 12 Months.

Do not be deceived by the roaming news that cold calling always turns out to be unsuccessful. Factually, cold calling is one effective way to get prospective customers. According to research data, as many as 69% of buyers receive a cold call from salespeople in a year.

7. Before Responding to Any Ad Outreach Efforts, Over 82% of Buyers Use LinkedIn to Find Out About Providers.

According to research data, before any buyer does any research, they have a set of vendors in mind. About 82% of B2B buyers will consider brands they already know before any research is conducted. Providers should provide value and develop relationships with buyers before they are willing to participate in the sales process to stand a chance of winning a deal. This implies that only around 20% of brands will be identified or fall under the consideration category only after research or investigation is carried out.

8. The B2B Tech Representative has an Average of 35 Calls Per Day, With a Total Duration of 55 Minutes.

Recent statistics show that B2B salespersons spend at least an hour cold-calling prospects, making at least 35 daily calls. Other reports show that some salespeople make up to 100 calls daily for phone bank workers.

9. 82% of Business Decision-makers Believe That Sales Professionals are Unprepared.

A research study shows that most B2B decision-makers feel that sales representatives, especially commercial and industrial ones, are usually unprepared. This study discovered that there were traces of some level of frustration tied to the preparedness of salespersons.

Amazing Cold Calling Effectiveness Statistics

Effectiveness Statistics

10. On Average, a Sales Representative requires about eight cold call attempts to Reach a Prospect.

According to statistics, a salesperson makes at least eight call attempts to get a prospect. In addition, the success rate of these cold calls is as low as 20%. You may be wondering why the turn-up is quite low. Well, this could be attributed to the cold-calling strategies adopted by salespersons. To efficiently convert cold calls into sales, sales representatives do not need to give up but follow up on prospects.

11. After an Initial Meeting Between a Prospect and a Salesperson, at Least Five Follow-up Calls are Needed for 80% of Successful Sales.

Studies show that 80% of successful sales come after an average of five follow-up calls. Conversely, about 44% and 94% of sales representatives follow up with prospects at least once and four times before giving up. Additionally, a study shows that 80% of prospects do not purchase items until the fifth cold call.

12. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are the Best Days for Prospecting Cold Calls.

Different studies show that the best days for sales professionals to make cold calls are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Studies show that Saturdays and Sundays aren’t the best days for cold-calling prospects, and Mondays and Fridays are the worst. The first and the last work days, as well as weekends, are usually the worst cold-calling days. This is because people spend time responding to tons of emails, attending to pressing tasks, and being busy with their personal lives.

13. According to Statistics, About 71% of Prospects Believe the Earlier They Hear From a Sales Rep, the Better.

While some consumers prefer researching certain brands and their products, others prefer interacting with their sales representatives. Although buyers can gather information about a product with the help of Artificial Intelligence tools, some rely on knowledgeable information from salespersons. Studies show that around 71% of prospects want to hear from salespeople when searching for quality ideas to drive strong business results.

14. Cold Calling is an Effective Sales Strategy for Some Industries, But it Can be Challenging and Stressful.

Salespersons can find cold calling an uneasy task, especially when prospects haven’t indicated an interest in their products or services. However, a smart choice for improving cold calling success rates is outsourcing to specialized telemarketing providers, which can aid companies in maximizing efforts.

Cold Calling Mistakes Statistics

Mistakes Stats

15. Almost One-half of Sales Reps Give up After a Single Follow-up.

According to statistics, 44% of salespersons give up after one follow-up call. Sales representatives must stay connected with prospects even after an initial appointment to close a sale. Importantly, the major difference between successful and unsuccessful sales pros is preparedness. Salespersons must do much to build a great reputation, as only 3% of prospects trust them.

16. According to 42% of Sales Representatives, There is not Enough Information Available Before a Call.

Study shows that almost half of salespersons feel or think that they do not have sufficient information before calling prospects. Many salespeople are stuck in this situation, especially those with numerous cold calls to make while hoping for the best. This is not always the case, but with the help of the right tools and focus on research information before the call. With these, the success rate of cold calls can be exponentially increased.

17. Friday Afternoons are the Most Difficult Times to Place a Cold Call, as are Mondays from 6 am until 12 pm.

What are the worst times for cold calling? According to statistics, Mondays, between 6 am and 12 pm, and Friday afternoons are not good times to cold call prospects. Most people are generally excited about the weekend and may not want to end it on a sad note due to a cold call. These hours seem to be the most difficult times for contact leads, probably because people focus on high-priority tasks within these periods.

18. When a Sales Rep Uses the Phrase “We Provide” More Than Four Times During the Call, the Risk of Closing Sales is Minimal.

Research data shows that about 36% of sales professionals admit that closing sales is the most difficult part of the job. The chance of closing a sale when “we provide” is used during cold calls is 22%

19. During a Cold Call, if Salespersons Begin With, “Did I Catch You at a Bad Time?” the Rep is 40% less likely to be able to Schedule an Appointment.

As a sales professional, you must avoid phrases like “We provide” and “Did I catch you at a bad time?”. If these statements are used, the chance of booking a meeting with a prospect is typically as low as 40%. To close a deal, practice before making cold calls and avoid distractions. Be focused on the duration of the call, as most successful cold calls are usually longer, and balance the talk-to-listen ratios.

Cold Calling Challenges Statistics

Challenges Stats

20. 80% of Cold Calls are Redirected to Voicemail.

Research data shows that more than three-quarters of cold calls go to voicemail. Other statistical data also reveal that around 90% of voicemails are unreturned. Salespersons should note that a cold call won’t hold a prospect’s attention for over 30 seconds. For this reason, salespersons must create creative and helpful voicemail notes.

21. Unidentified Calls are Believed to be Fraud by 92% of the population.

In 79% of cases, unidentified calls are usually unanswered. Also, 92% of consumers and prospects perceive unidentified calls as fraudulent. Although sales professionals face some challenges, some cold-calling practices can result in successful sales.

22. There is Wrong Data in at Least 25% of B2B Databases.

About one-quarter of contacts in the B2B database contain critical mistakes, including outdated contact details, inaccurate data, incorrect demographic data, and others. These errors in the database could result in 40% of business failure. Generally, B2B data is capable of collecting dust and dirt. To curb this, data validation practice is needed, as it will aid in reducing bad matches.

23. A Sales Representative Spends 23% of Their Time on Sales, While Paperwork Accounts for 22%.

How do sales professionals spend their workdays?? They spend several hours on emails, meetings, and calls, but exceptional salespersons spend their time on high-priority activities. Other activities take up most of the day, and these sales representatives spend only about 23% on selling. Paperwork accounts for 22% of the time most sales professionals spend on workdays.

24. The Incorrect B2B Contact Information Results in 27.3% of Sales Representatives’ Time Being Wasted.

Bad sales data can harm the sales team, and a good B2B sales team is as good as the data it feeds from. Statistics show that chasing bad data wastes sales representatives’ time by 27.3%. Apart from time wastage, inaccurate data generates bad leads and missing opportunities, resulting in undelivered mail. 

25. Within 2-3 Years, 45% of the Population Changed Their Telephone Number.

Why do most people change their contact numbers after a while? People change phone numbers to avoid unwanted spam texts and calls, start a new lifestyle, balance work or private life, etc. The duration of use of a phone number varies from person to person and for reasons best known to them. General statistics show that, on average, 45% of people change their phone numbers every 2-3 years. Other research data shows that about 23% of the population change their contact at least once a year.

26. Cold Calling is Feared by Almost Half of Sales Professionals.

According to the study, 48% of sales representatives are reluctant to make cold calls in business. If you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone and take action, even if you’re afraid, that cold calling will work. Unfortunately, salespeople who fear making cold calls have trouble meeting their quotas and are more anxious. They’re probably not making as much money as their counterparts who don’t have this phobia.

27. According to Salespeople, One of Their Biggest Challenges is Getting Prospects to React.

Most prospects cease to respond within a few initial interactions, and this silence is demotivating for some sales representatives. They’ll give up the lead and start looking for a different prospect. As a result, 79% of marketing leads do not convert to sales.

28. About 13% of Consumers Think the Salesman Knows What They Want.

Another challenge faced by salespersons is sales conversions. What is the essence of cold calling if the leads don’t convert to sales? Statistical data shows that 13% of consumers sense that sales representatives comprehend their needs. On the other hand, about 66% of salespeople are considered average performers by consumers.

Final Thoughts

Some data show that cold calling is unsuccessful. Other statistics show that it is one of the most effective outreach tools for salespersons if done appropriately. A sales representative makes an average of 35 calls per day and eight cold call attempts to reach a prospect.

Although it is effective, with a success rate of 2%, cold calling is quite tasking. Cold calling is not something that should be done in isolation. To get the most out of cold calling, it should be combined with other telemarketing strategies like SMS, emailing, etc. These statistics give detailed information on everything one needs to know about Cold calling. We have gathered enough data-backed suggestions to help tailor your strategy in cold calling as a sales professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does cold calling still work in 2023?

How many cold calls does it take to get a lead?

Why is cold calling so hard?

What is the biggest challenge in cold calling?

Why are people scared of making cold calls?


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